Balanced Reporting. Trusted Insights. Monday, August 03, 2020



                  • News
                    By Ben Nuelle

                    Daybreak July 31: Stabenow adamant on food assistance increase in coronavirus bill

                    World food 836
                    The Senate Agriculture Committee’s top Democrat is insisting the next coronavirus relief bill contain more money for food assistance.
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                    By Bill Tomson

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                    Trade ship 836
                    China has made another record-breaking U.S. corn purchase, according to USDA data released Thursday. The sale of 1.937 million metric tons is some much-needed good news for U.S. farmers weathering low prices, reduced demand and high stocks, says Kevin Ross, president of the National Corn Growers Association.
                  • News
                    By Spencer Chase

                    Jacobs, Balderson join House Ag GOP roster

                    Balderson jacobs
                    Representatives Chris Jacobs and Troy Balderson have joined the House Agriculture Committee.
                  • News
                    By Ben Nuelle

                    Daybreak July 30: Lawsuit says NEPA rewrite ‘eviscerates’ environmental analysis

                    The Trump administration’s rewrite of National Environmental Policy Act regulations “upends virtually every aspect of NEPA and its longstanding practice, contradicts decades of court interpretations of NEPA’s mandates, and undercuts the reliance placed on NEPA by the public, decisionmakers, and project proponents,” a lawsuit filed Wednesday says.
                  • News

                    China objects to US retaliation over grain subsidies

                    Chinese flag 2
                    China Wednesday officially rejected U.S. claims that China has failed to comply with a 2019 World Trade Organization ruling against China’s price supports for its wheat and rice farmers – subsidies that U.S. farmers say hurt international trade.
                  • News
                    By Philip Brasher

                    Daybreak July 29: SNAP in play as talks heat up

                    Agreement on a new coronavirus relief package could be several weeks away, but a key GOP senator is signaling some give on one major sticking point in the negotiations.
                  • News
                    By Philip Brasher


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                    By Bill Tomson

                    The beginning of the end to the China deal?

                    Trump xi g20 19
                    President Donald Trump on Thursday issued another veiled threat to the U.S.-China “phase one” trade pact as the relevancy of the deal comes under question with perhaps just months left in the Trump presidency.
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                    By Steve Davies

                    If Dems win it all, they'll use CRA to strike at Trump rules

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                    USDA has released the long-awaited beef market report. Now what?

                    Cattle in yard

                    Last week’s report from the Department of Agriculture offered a laundry list of reasons for why beef markets behaved the way they did after two cataclysmic events hit the sector in as many years. But the 21-page document also contained something else: a legislative and regulatory to-do list for an industry well-known for infighting and disagreement.

                  • News
                    By Steve Davies

                    Q&A with Chris Novak, CEO of CropLife America

                    CropLife America President and CEO Chris Novak says the nation's crop protection sector is battered, but not broken after enduring a growing season that took place in the midst of a pandemic that stalled many other facets of the economy. 
                  • News
                    By Steve Davies


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                  Kansas Senate primary race coming down to the wire

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                  Read More Opinions
                  • Bob Young

                    Opinion: Don't make America's farmers pawns in game of crony capitalism

                    In this opinion piece, Bob Young discusses the actions taken by The Mosaic Company in asking the Department of Commerce and the International Trade Commission to investigate imports of phosphate from Morocco and Russia and how corporate interests could have a negative impact on farmers.
                  • Liam Condon

                    Opinion: The most resilient people in the world? Farmers

                    Liam condon
                    In this opinion piece, Liam Condon with Bayer Ag discusses what makes a resilient food system and what tools are needed to meet the global challenge of feeding the world without starving the planet.
                  • Kevin Hugoson

                    Opinion: Congress must act to address hog farmer crisis

                    Kevin Hugoson discusses the importance of why Congress needs to act quickly to help hog producers receive aid from the impact of COVID-19 before it's too late.

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                  Agri-Pulse TV

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                  Agri-Pulse TV

                  Washington Week in Review: July 31, 2020: Rep. Angie Craig discusses coronavirus relief efforts

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                  Agri-Pulse TV

                  Washington Week in Review: July 23, 2020: Sen. Joni Ernst on COVID relief and biofuels

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                  Agri-Pulse TV

                  Washington Week in Review: July 9, 2020: Sen. John Hoeven on coronavirus relief present and future

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                  Agri-Pulse TV

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                  Ag by the numbers

                  Destinations of U.S. agricultural exports have shifted over last quarter centuryfq软件下载 安卓

                  The United States is the world’s second largest agricultural trader after the European Union. U.S. agricultural exports have grown significantly over the last quarter century, from $46.1 billion in 1994 to $136.7 billion in 2019. The elimination of agricultural trade barriers as a result of the 1994 North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)—superseded by the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) in July 2020—nearly quadrupled exports (by value) to Canada and Mexico. Coinciding with policy developments, rising household incomes and changing trade policies in developing East and Southeast Asia have driven export growth, especially for China, whose share of U.S. agricultural exports more than quadrupled from 3 percent during 1994-2000 to 14 percent during 2010-19. Meanwhile, there has been a sharp decline in the share going to Europe and high-income East Asia, particularly Japan. These charts are drawn from the Economic Research Service product, U.S. Agricultural Trade at a Glance.